Our Idea

Youth Makerspace Larnaka is a venue of innovation, built upon the example similar successful venues that operate in various cities around the world, following the international standards of Makerspaces that are developed by academic institutions and communities globally. It offers young people the opportunity to have access to high-end technological equipment that will enable them to develop their business ideas and put them in practice. Makerspace venues contribute to the democratization of design, construction, engineering and education. Through their distinct learning philosophy, they empower young people on multiple levels: technology, handcrafts, creativity, construction, etc. In Makerspaces, young people have the chance to share and implement their skills and knowledge, boosting their vast potential of creativity.

Our Aim

Youth Makerspace Larnaka offers a physical venue and technological equipment which enables young people to meet, explore, create, invent, share and learn. The wide variety of advanced technological equipment is available to young people free of charge. As the core value of a Makerspace is peer-learning, the venue encourages and promotes youth creativity and operates as a creative hub, where young people can enhance their technological, social and entrepreneurial skills. The Makerspace helps children and young people develop 21st century skills in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts, design and critical thinking, while boosting their self-confidence!

Youth Makerspace Larnaka is an innovative space of technology, creativity and education!

The program of the Cyprus Youth Organization, Youth Makerspace Larnaka, is based on the standards of “makerspaces” that are developed around the world and was created to recommend and cultivate the culture of “making” in the youth of Cyprus. It has high-tech equipment and is aimed at amateurs and professional makers of all ages, as well as at schools, educational institutions, and organized ensembles.

Its main goal is to equip and educate children and young people, while at the same time, it aims to develop their social and creative skills. At the Youth Makerspace Larnaka, makers can acquire knowledge of construction and design, carry out actions, develop 21st-century skills through educational workshops and activities in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) themes, and implement their ideas in technological and business projects!


children and young people have visited
the Youth Makerspace Larnaka


students have met the Mobile Makerspace

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Vyzantiou Avenue, Larnaca 6030



Working Hours

Monday-Friday: 08:00 am – 17.00 pm
Saturday: 09:00 am – 14:00 pm

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