Youth Makerspace Larnaka hosted the Girls in STEAM Academy for another year with the #BridgeSTEAM program. It is a non-profit initiative that aims to bridge the gap of women’s representation in jobs in the STEAM disciplines. The Girls in STEAM Academy is an initiative of the Be an Ally Foundation, led by Panagiota Polykarpou and Anastasia Liopetritis.

On December 3rd & 4th, 20 girls aged 14-16 attended programming workshops and learned to make their websites. They met female role models in STEAM fields and had the opportunity to chat with the girls about their careers, how they got here, what their daily lives look like, and what advice they would give their younger selves. In addition, the participants learned about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and specifically about Goal #5 – Gender equality in an environment of trust and mutual understanding.

Despite girls outperforming boys in digital literacy, women account for only 17% of people studying and working in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) fields in the EU and only 36% of STEM graduates. This is mainly a result of gender stereotypes that prevent girls from reaching their full potential. We are delighted that for another year, the Youth Makerspace has helped the Girls in Steam Academy to reduce the barriers that often prevent young girls from developing an interest in careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.

For more:

None of your beeswax – MAKERsHOUSE 2022


The MAKERsHOUSE hosting program of the Youth Makerspace Larnaka, returned for the 4th consecutive year, aiming to empower the creative community, support artistic production, and promote research and innovation, offering its space, equipment, and services.

For 2022, the Youth Makerspace Larnaka presents the exhibition “None of your beeswaxby resident Elina Hatzinikola on Saturday, November 26 at 19:00. The artist presents us with various innovative methods of creating works of art in collaboration with nature’s amazing architects, the bees. In this process, Elina Hatzinikola applies her knowledge as an amateur beekeeper and utilizes bees as artistic collaborators.

“Thousands of bees are needed to create each sculpture, which both live inside and shape it throughout the process. I, as a designer, provide the shape of the sculpture I desire as a wooden structure coated with honeycomb wax. I expect the bees to build on this honeycomb their three-dimensional shapes. The result is up to the bees. It remains only to imagine the shape since no one can completely control nature and the turn the bees’ work can take.”

Based on this narrative, the artist creates a visual installation through which she wishes to highlight the result of the partnership between bees and humans, drawing attention to their very important existence in our environment.



VISIT HOURS: 8:00 – 17:00

Girls in STEAM Academy 2022

The Girls in STEAM Academy, is a non-profit initiative that aims to bridge the gap in women’s representation in jobs in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) fields, announces its new programs for 2022 that aim to empower young girls to pursue careers in the STEAM fields. Girls in STEAM Academy is an initiative of the Be an Ally Foundation, led by Panagiota Polykarpou and Anastasia Liopetritis. Girls in STEAM Academy Girls in STEAM Academy is an initiative of Be an Ally Foundation, led by Panagiota Polykarpou and Anastasia Liopetritis.

In 2021 Girls in STEAM Academy ran two two-day BridgeSTEAM programs in Limassol and Larnaka for girls aged 14-16 (find the highlighted video here). After the huge success of these programs, 4 more BridgeSTEAM 2022 programs will be organized this year:

The two-day BridgeSTEAM program aims to empower female participants on three levels: a) by developing their programming skills, b) by informing them about the career opportunities that exist in STEAM disciplines, and c) by connecting them with female role models in the field of STEAM in Cyprus. The program will also offer a workshop on study selection and career prospects in STEAM by a recognized trainer, as well as an educational workshop on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).


Registration for this year’s 4th Girls in STEAM Academy program in Larnaca for girls aged 14-16 (December 3 & 4, 2022) is open at the link here or through the program website here. The last day to submit applications is November 20, 2022.


Despite girls outperforming boys in digital literacy, women represent only 17% of people studying and working in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) fields in the EU and only 36% of STEM graduates. This is mainly a result of gender stereotypes that prevent girls from reaching their full potential. The Girls in STEAM Academy program aims to break down the barriers that typically prevent young girls from developing an interest in careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.

The participants of the programs will have the opportunity to be in the Girls in STEAM Academy Alumni Network and to continue their active involvement with various opportunities both in Cyprus and abroad. In particular, graduates of the 2021 programs had the opportunity to participate in the TechGirls program in the United States, to be presenters on the SheSpeaks podcast, to take part in educational visits, and to participate in job shadowing activities in various companies and Universities both in Cyprus and in abroad.



Instagram: @steamacademycy

LinkedIn: Girls in STEAM Academy

YouTube: Girls in STEAM Academy

Contact: [email protected]

Οι συμμετέχουσες των προγραμμάτων θα έχουν την ευκαιρία να βρίσκονται στο Δίκτυο Αποφοίτων του Girls in STEAM Academy και να συνεχίσουν την ενεργή εμπλοκή τους με διάφορες ευκαιρίες τόσο στην Κύπρο όσο και στο εξωτερικό. Συγκεκριμένα, απόφοιτες των προγραμμάτων του 2021 είχαν την ευκαιρία να συμμετάσχουν στο πρόγραμμα TechGirls στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες, να είναι παρουσιάστριες στο SheSpeaks podcast, να λαμβάνουν μέρος σε εκπαιδευτικές επισκέψεις και να συμμετέχουν σε δραστηριότητες job shadowing σε διάφορες εταιρείες και Πανεπιστήμια τόσο στην Κύπρο όσο και στο εξωτερικό.




Instagram: @steamacademycy

LinkedIn: Girls in STEAM Academy

YouTube: Girls in STEAM Academy

Contact: [email protected]

Workshops For Makers

Workshops for makers from Youth Makerspace Larnaka

Youth Makerspace Larnaka continues to offer workshops for makers, promoting the learning of the technological equipment available in the space. Our goal is to educate and inform the public about how new forms of technology can contribute to the creation of original ideas. This time, the workshop series will focus on learning new technology programs and equipment, to network the trainers together with the audience, thus expanding the community of Youth Makerspace Larnaka.


Woodturning Workshop – Lathe Workshop

5 & ​​6 November 2022

9:00 – 13:00

Youth Makerspace Larnaka is holding an introductory woodworking workshop in collaboration with the LoveNlight team, specifically focusing on the lathe machine. The workshop includes a brief exploration of different types of wood and an explanatory demonstration of the most commonly used woodworking tools and gauges. Participants will have the opportunity to experiment, under the guidance of professionals Zahad & Navid Golipour of the LoveNlight team, and make their own piece on the lathe!

On November 5th the workshop is aimed at adults (18+), while on November 6th at children from 9 years and older. Must be accompanied by a guardian.

3D Design Workshop – 3D design and Virtual Reality

November 19, 2022

10:00 – 13:00

The 3D design workshop focuses on the use of the Rhinoceros program, emphasis is placed on designing a piece of furniture and transferring the design to the Virtual Reality application. This particular workshop allows the participant to experience the interactivity and browsing of the Virtual Reality equipment, elements that have now significantly contributed to the completion of a product design!

The workshop is aimed at people over 15 years old.

Arduino Workshop – Programming and Internet Of Things

December 10, 2022

10:00 – 13:00

The programming workshop invites the participants to explore ways to incorporate Arduino equipment into their everyday lives. Through the Internet of Things concept, we learn how to connect smart mechanisms to the Internet so that our daily movements work automatically and autonomously. In the interactive workshop, the participants will have the opportunity to design and create their own smart home for future use and implementation in real conditions.

The workshop is aimed at people over 15 years old.

To register for our workshops, you should fill out the registration form below:

Important information

  • Workshops will be held at Youth Makerspace Larnaka by the site’s instructors at levels for beginners and more advanced participants.
  • You can take part in all the workshops.
  • The workshops will be held in Greek.
  • No prior knowledge is required for any of the workshops.
  • Participation is free.
  • The number of entries is limited.
  • Computers will be provided on-site for each participant, but you can bring your own if you wish.
  • Please be at the venue 5 minutes before the start of the workshop.

Young Makers Summer Workshops

Our summer activity “Young Makers Summer Workshops” ended with great success with the age groups 7-9 years old, 10-12 years old, and 13-17 years old.

Young Makers of all ages had the opportunity to make and engage in various tech workshops. Some of them were 3D Pens, VR glasses, robotics, lego spikes, Lego Wedo, and various other constructions.

The children (13-17 years old) of the last two weeks lived a comprehensive experience starting from research and experimentation, gradually manufacturing and finally presenting products.

At the same time, they had the opportunity to get to know and use various types of technological equipment such as the laser cutter, the 3D printer, the Arduino boards, and various programs such as Rhino 3D, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.

#makeithappen #makerspacelarnaka #inyouthwetrust #youngmakers

Boat construction with recyclable materials!

Let’s build boats with recyclable materials!

Youth Makerspace Larnaka of the Cyprus Youth Organization is celebrating European Maritime Day (EMD) for the 2nd year in a row by organizing a craft workshop for primary school children on the theme “Building a boat with recyclable materials” on Thursday 9 June 2022 at 16:30 -17:30 at Marina Larnaka. The institution of European Maritime Day will take place again this year in the city of Larnaka from June 9-13, 2022.

The European institution European Maritime Day (EMD) has been celebrated annually since 2008, within the framework of the single maritime policy of the European Union, and is a joint venture of the European Commission, the Council of Europe, and the European Parliament. The aim of the institution is to give European citizens the opportunity to understand the crucial role that the oceans and the sea play in their daily lives. In the framework of the European Institution European Maritime Day (EMD), other events will be held by other contracting bodies.

During the craft workshop for elementary school children on the theme “Building a boat with recyclable materials” participants will discover the concept of reuse, utilize recyclable materials, and create their construction. The workshop will be held in Larnaka Marina by the Youth Makerspace Larnaka team, on Thursday 9 June 2022 from 16:30-17:30.



– The craft workshop is aimed at primary school children.

– Children must be accompanied by an adult.

– There is no participation fee for the workshop.

– The Youth Makerspace team will provide all materials for the workshop.

– The venue is Marina Larnaka, on the left after entering Athens Avenue in Finikoudes Larnaka.

– Limited seat number.


– You can register until June 6, 2022, here:


For more information, contact us at 24201777, [email protected], or via Facebook and Instagram.

“Smart Garden” – We cultivate the garden of the future

Youth Makerspace Larnaka in collaboration with the Gardens of the Future initiative presents to you the first garden of the future in Larnaka! On Saturday 2 April, at 12:00, we invite you to participate in the creation of an original and model garden, where the public can visit to learn to apply smart solutions in their garden. The initial objective of Gardens of the Future is the development of a circular and green economy that provides solutions to multiple socio-economic and environmental challenges in Cyprus. Among the 300 gardens planned to be created all over Cyprus, the Youth Makerspace is leading the way in Larnaka, providing its outdoor space.

In the ‘Smart Garden’, organic horticultural products such as herbs, fruits, and vegetables will be grown and will act as a model for creativity and innovation in harnessing new technological systems for water, air, and sun management. Youth Makerspace and Gardens of the Future aim to promote gardening, and the process of planting and growing, as well as to highlight the technological and hydroponic systems that will accompany the construction. At the same time, the “Smart Garden” will follow the zero-waste approach, since it includes relevant technologies that utilize renewable energy sources and construction materials that follow the philosophy of reuse.

In this way we promote innovation and agro-economy and trigger the community to experiment, plant, cultivate, and share experiences, promoting this new culture in Larnaka.

So on April 2nd, equip yourself with gardening gloves, and a good mood, and come and cultivate the garden of the future!

To register and for more information, contact us at 24201777, at [email protected], or via Facebook and Instagram.

Girls in STEAM Academy

Ένα ιδιαίτερο project που πραγματοποίησε το Youth Makerspace Larnaka το 2021 σε συνεργασία με το Be An Ally Foundation είναι το Girls in STEAM Academy. Στα πλαίσια του BridgeSTEAM, το Girls in STEAM Academy πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Λεμεσό (4 & 5 Δεκεμβρίου) στο Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου και στη Λάρνακα (11 & 12 Δεκεμβρίου) στο Youth Makerspace Larnaka, για νέα κορίτσια ηλικίας 14-16 ετών.

Το πρόγραμμα είχε ως στόχο να γεφυρώσει τις σχέσεις των συμμετεχουσών με τα επαγγέλματα STEAM (Επιστήμη, Τεχνολογία, Μηχανική, Τέχνες, Μαθηματικά), φέρνοντας τις σε επαφή με γυναίκες πρότυπα από τον εν λόγω χώρο και ενημερώνοντας τις για τις ευκαιρίες επαγγελματικού προσανατολισμού που υπάρχουν στους κλάδους STEAM. Παράλληλα, το πρόγραμμα κατάφερε να ενδυναμώσει τις συμμετέχουσες μέσω εκπαιδευτικών εργαστηρίων προγραμματισμού, ρομποτικής και τεχνολογικού εξοπλισμού, ενώ παράλληλα προσέφερε και εκπαιδευτικό εργαστήριο σχετικά με τους Στόχους για τη Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη των Ηνωμένων Εθνών (UN SDGs).

Θερμές ευχαριστίες στην κάθε συμμετέχουσα ξεχωριστά που εμπλούτισε το πρόγραμμα με τη συμμετοχή της, τα κορίτσια του Be An Ally Foundation για την πρωτοβουλία που τόσο πετυχημένα έφεραν εις πέρας, τους χορηγούς και όλους όσους συμμετείχαν στην υλοποίηση του Girls in STEAM Academy!



GIVEAWAY Marvel figures


The Youth Makerspace Larnaka team is giving away to 2 lucky 2 Marvel figures which they have created with the technological equipment provided by the space!!

Go to our Instagram and take part in the giveaway

You should follow the steps below:

🤖 You should like the post
🤖 Follow the account @makerspacelarnaka
🤖 Tag 2 or more friends

The competition is valid until 15/06/2022!

Good Luck ✨

Guided tour for visually impaired people in Larnaka

An innovative initiative took place on Saturday 14/05 in Larnaka concerning a guided tour specifically for people with visual impairments, which was jointly organized by the Larnaka Tourism Development and Promotion Company, the Cyprus Youth Organization, and the Municipality of Larnaka together with the “Agios Varnavas” School for the Blind. The intention is that the action will act as a pilot program for guided tours for visually impaired tourists, while at the same time, the participants will give their suggestions to make Larnaka more accessible for these groups of people.

Youth Makerspace Larnaka of Cyprus Youth Organization’s pioneering action for this occasion was printing the replica of the head of the statue of Zeno of Kitias, on the 3D printers of Youth Makerspace Larnaka. The said copy was given to the participants to peruse while the tour guide informed them about the history of the Stoic philosopher.

The first tour was attended by 13 visually impaired people, including 6 blind and 7 visually impaired, as well as 6 companions.

The tour started with a visit to the Pieridis Museum – Cultural Foundation of the Bank of Cyprus, where the participants had the opportunity to touch authentic exhibits from different eras, the history of which was explained by the Director of the Museum, Mr. Peter Astzian. Also, they were allowed to discover ancient perfumes that were reproduced by the G. Lazarus Cultural Center based on archaeologists’ studies.

The group then toured the city’s points of interest with a tour guide, from Europe Square to the Medieval Castle of Larnaka. Along the route, the statues of the philosopher Zeno of Kition, Cimon of Athens, and Leo of Venice narrated their lives and how they are connected to the city of Larnaka, through the innovative application of Larnaka Storytelling Statues. This application is considered good practice for visually impaired people.

This was followed by an experiential visit to the Kyriazi Medical Museum, which is perhaps the only museum where the visitor can touch all the exhibits, explore them, and … use some of them under the guidance of Dr. Mario Kyriazis, owner of the Museum. The more daring did not hesitate to smell old medicines or taste the oil of salt which is a rare healing product.

Note: The tour is dedicated to the memory of Maria Kyriakou, who was Secretary General of the European Blind Association, Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the Pancypriot Organization of the Blind, President of the National Cypriot Committee of Blind Women and Special Educator of the Blind and Special Educator, as the thought of this initiative started by her in the context of the European Program meeting held by ETAP Larnaca in July 2021. Unfortunately, she passed away a few months later and did not have time to complete the action. However, her colleagues, friends, and partners continue Maria’s work, as her goal was to enable people with visual disabilities to enjoy their lives and have equal opportunities with the rest of their fellow citizens.

Cyprus e2STEAM Festival

The University of Nicosia and the Cyprus Youth Organization organize the “1st E2STEAM Cyprus Festival“, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth and the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy. The sponsors of the Festival are the Commissioner for the Environment and the Citizen Commissioner.


The Festival will include presentations, interactive workshops, an educational conference for teaching the E2STEAM subject, and exhibitions and competitions related to Environment and Sustainable Development, Entrepreneurship, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (E2STEAM).


April 9 and 10, 2022

Enjoy 2 days full of E2STEAM activities by choosing the interactive E2STEAM Festival workshops you want to attend.

See the attachments, the programs of the Festival events, and register yourself or your children for participation. first come first served.

To register for workshops and free activities use the following link


Please respond by March 31, 2022.

Tel.: +357 22 841 500 | Email: [email protected].



Girls in STEAM Academy: Training program for girls of 14-16 years old

Girls in STEAM Academy is a new initiative that aims at bridging the gap of low female representation in the sectors of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) and it announces its new training programs that aim to empower young girls and to encourage them to pursue a STEM career.

Starting with the program BridgeSTEAM, Girls in STEAM Academy will offer two weekend trainings, one at CUTing Edge of the Technological University of Cyprus in Limassol (4&5 December) and one at the Youth Makespace Larnaka (11&12 December).

The two-day program BridgeSTEAM aims to empower the participants on three levels: a) through educational trainings on robotics and artificial intelligence, b) through offering information on career opportunities in STEAM fields, and c) bringing them in contact with female role models from STEAM sectors in Cyprus. During the training program, an educational training on the UN Sustainable Development Goals will be offered.

Girls in STEAM Academy is an initiative of Be an Ally Foundation, and is co-organised by Youth Makerspace Larnaka (Youth Board of Cyprus). Girls in STEAM Academy is sponsored by PwC and the Centre for Social Innovation, and is supported by CUTing Edge (Technological University of Cyprus). The initiative is led by Panayiota Polykarpou and Anastasia Liopetriti.

Applications for participation are open until 23 November through the following link or on the project’s website

Though girls tend to be more advanced than boys when it comes to digital literacy, only 17% of ICT graduates and professionals are women in the EU, and only 36% of the total number of STEM graduates in the EU. This might be attributed to gender stereotypes that keep girls from developing their full potentials. Girls in STEAM Academy aims to break these boundaries and stereotypes that hold girls back from developing an interest in pursuing a career in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.

“Sciences provide an understanding of a universal experience. Arts are a universal understanding of a personal experience… they are both a part of us and a manifestation of the same thing… the arts and sciences are avatars of human creativity”.

Mae Jemison, an American engineer, physician and former NASA astronaut is the first Afro-American woman to travel to space.



Instagram: @steamacademycy

Contact: [email protected]